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About Teso Education Fund

Teso Education Fund (TEF), UK is a cultural charity organisation with its office in London. Teso Education Fund operates mainly in the UK and in Uganda. We have coordinators in other countries including in mainland Europe, the US, Canada, South Africa, India, and in Australia.

Our Vision

Peaceful and harmonious people enjoying a high standard of well being and living in a good physical and natural environment.

Our Mission

Improve the well being of our people through the relief, prevention or provision of services and support, promotion of culture, and improvement of the physical, and protection of the natural environment.

Our Goals

To ameliorate and assist people in need who are the victims of natural and human disasters by providing them with education, health care, support to their livelihoods, protection of their environment, and promotion of their culture in the UK, Uganda, and Kenya.

Our Objectives

  1.  To promote culture for public benefit by building and maintaining museums, cultural centres, and conducting other activities such as promoting the arts, researching our culture, and teaching the local language in the UK and in Uganda.
  2. To promote peace and harmonious existence of individuals, groups, and organisations for public benefit by providing peace and reconciliation activities such counselling, mediation, support, and dialogue in the UK, Uganda, and Kenya.
  3. To prevent or relieve poverty for public benefit by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient in the UK, Uganda, and Kenya.
  4. To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people such as children, other young people, disabled people, women, old people, and other vulnerable people from becoming socially excluded, relieving their needs and assisting them to integrate into society in the UK, Uganda, and Kenya.
  5. To promote the conservation, protection, and improvement of the physical and natural environment for public benefit by promoting biological diversity and undertaking activities to regenerate environmental resources in the UK, Uganda, and Kenya.