TEF e-Connect Laptop Project
Teso Education Fund (TEF), a Charitable Incorporated Organisation number 1196225 registered in the UK and Uganda is implementing an e-Connect Laptop Project. The aim of this project is to support people with limited or no access to online services because of lack of a digital device or an appropriate one to go online. This project provides subsidised brand-new laptops to support people to connect online.
This project is suitable for, and is designed to support school children, students, teachers, lecturers, elderly people, unemployed people, refugees, volunteers, and any people who may be experiencing digital poverty in the UK and overseas, to connect digitally.
These are brand new ready to use laptops with Windows 10 Pro Education, 4GB RAM, 64GB Storage which can be doubled with an SD Card, it has 2 USB ports, Mini-HDMI port, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth connection, camera for online meetings, graphics, it is light weight, small and stylish, and the battery lasts 7 hours. The laptop comes with a factory security seal.
The laptop comes with Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook for email, Teams for attending lessons, lectures or meetings, and OneDrive for cloud storage. It also comes with Skype for communication. It has 3D Viewer, Film and TV, Groove music, 3D Paint, and Xbox for games, among other applications. The laptop uses Mycroft Edge browser.
TEF has been allocated a limited number of laptops and is giving them out on a first come, first serve basis until the allocation is finished. The cost of these laptops in the UK is £120 each.
To get your laptop/s in the UK, please pay into the TEF charity bank account:
Account Name: Teso Education Fund
Account Number: 29 12 63 48
Sort Code: 23 05 80
Bank: Metro
Reference: Laptop
TEF is extending this opportunity to Uganda in line with our objectives of improving education in Uganda. In Uganda, the cost is 900,000 Uganda Shillings each. This cost covers shipping and tax in Uganda.
To get your laptop/s in Uganda, please pay into the TEF Uganda NGO bank account:
These are the Laptop Specifications
Account Name: Teso Education Fund Uganda
Account Number: 31 00 08 71 26
Bank: Centenary Bank, Kireka
Reference: Laptop
In order to give more people the opportunity, the maximum 1 individual can buy is 3 laptops. Institutions and organisations that need more than 3 laptops will need approval before paying. Send your request by email.
After paying, please send an email to TEF at [email protected]. The email should contain the amount paid. You will be notified by email about collection of your laptop/s. In the UK, the laptops will be available for collection within 1 week. In Uganda, the laptops will be delivered in 6-8 weeks.
For enquiries, contact Dr Patrick Igulot, Executive Director on the email above or office telephone +4420 4529 2693 or mobile +4479 5437 0422 or Mr Ivan Aruo, Finance Officer, TEF Uganda in Uganda on mobile +256 708 246765.
These are some of the photos of the laptops being given out in London, the United Kingdom.
Teso Education Fund